
That is me, looking forward to new projects

Hey there! My name is Stas; I am a content lead and advisor based in Budapest, Hungary.

Here you will find a list of all my project since the start of my professional career.
For any inquiries please reach out in Instagram, in Telegram, or via e-mail.

I am now open to new career opportunities as well as projects. I am interested in anything digital-based, which is tied to the content, such as:

Launching a brand media as an editor-in-chief.
Creating a content strategy for your business.
Understanding the weak points of an editorial and turning them into advantages.

My career — short version:

  • Eight years as an editor. It is my main specialization. I write all kinds of stuff: UI texts, long articles, short social media publications, professional texts, and not-so-professional texts. I can take any complex and non-trivial explanation into a concise one-pager.
  • Four years of experience in video production: both in PR and media. I can do everything in the field: find opinion leaders, organize photoshoots and awards, advise on making content better and more targeted, and do it all by hand.
  • Three years of public communication experience: in telecom and e-commerce. «Public communication», in plain words, is deciding how we announce things, whether we speak of them at all, and how we manage negative feedback in the community.
  • Three years of sound design. I did many podcasts by hand. This means I am familiar with digital audio workstations, voice processing, and publishing your songs and podcast all over the web.
  • Four years photographing. This is more of a hobby because I have never been hired to photograph commercially, but it is an important part of my life. I prefer street and reportage photography.

My career — extended version:

Tinkoff Journal, December 2022 — Current

I am a writing editor of the technical brunch. We write about electronics and anything that plugs into sockets. My best articles are available straight out of the profile.

Dears, July 2021 — September 2023

My beloved job was as a media and content production lead. In short: I form teams for various projects and decide everything about them. I negotiate with clients, transfer their vision to the team, and polish the projects.

Here are some of them.


Как в жизни — cinema podcast
Работаем дальше — business podcast
Я сегодня из дома — IT podcast
Пойдём домой — stray dogs podcast (no, really)
Выжившие — cinema critique podcast
Тебе не одиноко — anti-bullying podcast

Yandex, April 2023 — June 2023

I wrote a couple of texts for the technical community of Yandex on Habrahabr. Such as the announcing text for the computer mouse exhibition

RelocationDEV, August 2022 — January 2023

I maintain the telegram channel helping Russian it-specialists to find a job abroad. I plan the content, launch a brand new podcast, and manage a 20 thousand people community while maintaining the company’s LinkedIn profile.

MyGadget, April 2022 — September 2022

I was an editor-in-chief. This means I hired a new team of authors, established columns and editorial standards, and considered the media strategy for the months ahead.


Title page
Best smartphones in 2022 — one of the many texts I wrote and edited there

Tinkoff Data, February 2021 — July 2021

I did market research for one of Russia’s largest banks — Tinkoff. By doing market research, I mean formulating a research idea and information check with the company’s analysts and the industry leaders outside the bank. And, of course, research should be presented to the broad public, so I communicated closely with designers to make it look exquisite.

Data journalism

Delivery services in Russia after the pandemic — large research
How much do people in Russia spend on travels — averagely-sized research, targeted on mass media

Ozon, November 2020 — July 2021

Wrote press releases, gave out comments, and defined public relations strategy for Russia’s largest marketplace.

Data journalism

Best-read books in Russia for the last 10 years
How much do people in Russia spend on a holiday presents
How do people in Russia consume farm-made products

Press releases

Company news available to the whole world

Launched business trips service
Sent a local popstar to 2049
Gifted money to the sellers

MaximaTelecom, December 2019 — November 2020

My first job was as a PR manager for Russia’s most prominent and the world’s first subway Wi-Fi operator.

Case studies

How do stray cats and dogs benefit from Metro ads
Some remarks on the iOS 14 and public Wi-Fi
How did Moscow went out of self-isolation

Press releases

Launched free public Wi-Fi in Moscow suburbs
Accounted for an amount of people who hates voice messages
Put routers into the suburban trains, to make travel easier.

XYZ School, October 2019 — September 2020

Wrote helpful articles for Russia’s largest game design school. Did interviews with the experts and teachers, studied the software and wrote a lot of technical tutorials.

Landing pages

Hypercasual games
Concept art


Students’ success
Student’s background
Why would a designer study both 2d and 3d at the same time?


How to model a glass surface in Substance Painter
Scupting in Z-Brush

Postnauka, August 2019 — March 2020

Produced and created tests in scientific journals.

Antique rhetorics test
Depression test


Projects, jobs, and hobbies that took less time and organizing skills.

Intuition Park

«Matches» project about professional burnout


Portfolio. I do street photography and portraits best of all.


Expenses diare
Machine learning 101
House rent in Moscow
A lot of boring games
Censorship in video games
Mark Fisher’s text translation
Snowman review
Florence review


Russian planet

Podcasts in Russian

Максим Ильяхов о работе и электронике
Артур Белостоцкий о подкастах и Ульяновске
Ира об эмоциональном выгорании


Russian planet
IGM — Russia’s largest gaing community
VR Park
Student media TheVyshka

Wow, you have made it to the end! If you still want to collaborate — please write me in Instagram, in Telegram, or via e-mail
